Saturday, September 13, 2008

Laptop LCD Screen Repair and Replacement

Replacing a Broken LCD

The average cost of a laptop is somewhere around $900.00 these days. Some are much more than that and some are less of course. So if you drop your laptop and break the screen, an unfortunate accident that I'm sure you know of someone it's happened to, the assumption is often that it's time to buy a new laptop. But this doesn't have to be the case. LCD displays are one of the more delicate components of a laptop computer and in the past most expensive, but prices have been dropping and now the average replacement cost for an LCD is in the $300 to $450 range -- that's a whole lot cheaper than $900.00 it costs to buy a completely new laptop.

But where can you buy these replacement LCD panels. Well once you now exactly what your LCD screen is. E bay is a good place I have got them for as little as $50.00.Or you can go to your manufacture company.Also at the manufacture company they will have step by step instructions in how replace your LCD screen your self. Such as this one from Dell™ Latitude™ 120L Service Manual . Here is a another example how to remove your LCD screen a little more detailed You can save your a lot of money just doing it your self.By Thomas Husnik Here is a link that got me started in laptop repair Link